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Covid Response

See what other people said about their photoshoot experience.

Vaccination Update (September 2022)

As of September 2022 I am fully Covid vaccinated with all available boosters, and am also vaccinated against flu.

Last updated: 27th September 2021


Unfortunately, coronavirus has had an impact on most of us in many different ways, and we are no exception. Here is how we are coping with Covid-19.


In most cases I will visit your home to offer this service. If you would prefer to do a photoshoot somewhere else there are some other options, we can arrange an outdoor location shoot or use a hotel. You could also buy a gift certificate now then arrange your photoshoot at some time in the future. Visit here to find out more about our gift certificates.


If you would like to organise a photoshoot, please complete the Photoshoot Booking/Enquiry Form and we can discuss how you would like to proceed.  


All our photoshoots are currently conducted to the following protocol:



Covid-19 Photoshoot Protocol


All photoshoots will take place, as far as practically possible, in line with the following guidelines. 


Before a Shoot
• The photographer and client model will agree as much of the detail of the shoot beforehand to avoid the need for lengthy discussion in person.
• There will be clear and precise agreement about where the parties will meet, particularly for an outside shoot, so there is no confusion on arrival.


• Whenever possible, the client model should bring any props that they wish to use in the photoshoot.
• If the photographer is providing props that the client model will have to interact with, these will be wiped down with anti-viral wipes before the shoot.


Getting to a Shoot
• A shoot should involve as few people as possible, and whenever possible only the photographer and client model.
• Wherever possible the photographer and client model should travel separately to the photoshoot location.
• If the photographer has to collect the client model to take them to the shoot location, the photographer will wear a face mask while the two are in the car together. 
• On meeting, the photographer and client model will, wherever possible, maintain social distancing.
• On arrival at the location, the photographer will clean their hands with sanitising gel.


During the Shoot
• During the shoot, wherever possible, the photographer and the client model will maintain social distancing.
 If either party would prefer it, the photographer will wear a face mask throughout the shoot. The client model should feel free to request this, and the photographer will comply without question.
• If the photographer needs to adjust props or lights in the shoot area, they will ask the client model to step aside while they do this.


Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.


Stay safe.

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